latest 20 messages by kandinski

+ [2019-10-24T00:50:39Z] kandinski update: a stray deploy key was being picked up by ssh after deletion of an old key
+ [2019-10-24T00:21:15Z] kandinski does anybody have a clue on how to debug this issue further?
+ [2019-10-24T00:20:05Z] kandinski It's only one repo (the other one I can access fine). Another interesting thing is that the message when I run ssh -T calls me "organisation/reponame", not by my username nor by my ssh key comment email.
+ [2019-10-24T00:17:37Z] kandinski I'm having a weird effect where one of the organization repos I work on can't be found via command line git, but I can browse it on the website.
+ [2017-03-30T01:17:47Z] kandinski ah, I'll answer my own question: 5 merge commits on master.
+ [2015-11-18T13:04:29Z] kandinski I wasn't implying you should do it; just that I can't put yet another task on the stack and deal with this. Also, I'm sure there exist ready solutions.
+ [2015-11-18T13:03:39Z] kandinski I'm already several yaks deep
+ [2015-11-18T13:01:06Z] kandinski Seveas: I was hping to find something that would do the work of monitoring the filesystem for saves and reloading the browser for me.
+ [2015-11-18T13:00:15Z] kandinski Seveas, thanks
+ [2015-11-18T12:53:44Z] kandinski hi, what's a good local viewer of Markdown documents for github? Preferably one that uses github's css for extra fidelity.
+ [2015-01-16T09:09:17Z] kandinski it's a security risk, though
+ [2015-01-16T09:08:37Z] kandinski mount your home dir somewhere, and then ln -s .gitconfig from your home
+ [2015-01-16T09:08:18Z] kandinski maybe you can do the same thing with ~/.gitconfig
+ [2015-01-16T09:07:31Z] kandinski t4nk274: what I do is I mount my ~/.ssh inside vagrant
+ [2015-01-16T08:35:46Z] kandinski particularly tags/releases
+ [2015-01-16T08:35:30Z] kandinski where can I suggest a feature? I'd like to be able to see the CI status of individual commits that are not the tip of a PR
+ [2015-01-16T08:33:32Z] kandinski so all is working as designed. Dammit.
+ [2015-01-16T08:33:17Z] kandinski oh, status is only shown in pull requests.
+ [2015-01-16T08:28:36Z] kandinski VxJasonxV: so the API gives me the status for the commit. Jenkins succeeded in posting it. It's just that github is not displaying it.
+ [2015-01-16T08:20:23Z] kandinski not with a tag or release either