latest 20 messages by kleinweby

+ [2017-06-18T15:12:15Z] kleinweby bmbouter:✓&q=org%3Apulp ?
+ [2016-11-07T19:48:41Z] kleinweby interesting… ends in an endless redirect trying to authenticate
+ [2015-08-16T13:33:16Z] kleinweby Stadtpirat: it's still under graphs -> network
+ [2015-01-06T11:06:45Z] kleinweby joules: probbably because someone already created one with code=foobar
+ [2014-12-13T13:34:43Z] kleinweby ah, then they seems to have automated that :)
+ [2014-12-13T12:56:54Z] kleinweby yeah, just add the gmail address to your account and then ask the staff to refill your history (not sure if this happends automaticly now)
+ [2014-12-13T12:54:00Z] kleinweby just logging into the correct user on github/your git client is not enought
+ [2014-12-13T12:53:36Z] kleinweby you've checked that the email written in the commits is indeed linked to your account?
+ [2014-12-13T12:33:30Z] kleinweby chichov: looked at ?
+ [2014-09-27T09:16:56Z] kleinweby yashi: append .patch to that url
+ [2014-09-12T14:15:46Z] kleinweby when I paste into my browser it says project not found
+ [2014-09-12T14:12:05Z] kleinweby just downloads a plain file without any ci bageds for me
+ [2014-08-27T13:46:08Z] kleinweby bluesm: looks like the 2 clause bsd to me?!
+ [2014-08-27T13:43:21Z] kleinweby bluesm: everything is copyrighted… and with that license there are no real gray area. This is just the standard bsd license
+ [2014-08-27T13:41:31Z] kleinweby bluesm: you should really read up on what copyright means… in that case the lisence says what you can do
+ [2014-08-25T19:34:48Z] kleinweby nh2: not sure what github does, but there are http codes for malformed request/data/whatsoever
+ [2014-08-25T19:34:14Z] kleinweby nh2: exceptions/500 are usally considered bad, just contact !sgc
+ [2014-08-20T20:09:57Z] kleinweby preyalone: best tell !sgc this
+ [2014-08-20T20:03:51Z] kleinweby preyalone: no you can make own issue labels in any plan… it affects only how many private repos you can have