latest 13 messages by lrvick

+ [2016-07-18T00:09:02Z] lrvick the markdown parser does strange things like this sometimes I don't follow
+ [2016-07-18T00:08:47Z] lrvick Hey I am trying to determine why the last bullet under "crontribution" is not grouped with the ones above it, and the line below it indented:
+ [2016-04-05T22:14:46Z] lrvick Hey so I know to get ssh keys of a user I can do$USER.keys. Does something similar exist for the GPG public key support released today?
+ [2015-07-14T19:53:49Z] lrvick hmm. Deploy keys should do the job, actually. I totally forgot about these.
+ [2015-07-14T18:22:56Z] lrvick Been digging through docs and am hoping I am missing something.
+ [2015-07-14T18:22:41Z] lrvick Hey, so I am trying to determine a way to provide credentials to a CI server, that only have access to the repos of a particular Orginization. Is there a way to do this without a bot account?
+ [2015-07-14T03:05:33Z] lrvick Does this change things?
+ [2015-07-14T03:05:29Z] lrvick VxJasonxV: I want the scope to be a specific orgnization, not a specific repo.
+ [2015-07-14T01:09:00Z] lrvick I mean, I know I could create a bot account, but I feel there must be something between all-or-nothing access token.
+ [2015-07-14T00:57:24Z] lrvick i am an admin on the pebble org in question
+ [2015-07-14T00:57:16Z] lrvick or even a non personal one.
+ [2015-07-14T00:57:08Z] lrvick Hey guys. Is it possible for me to create a personal access token that is used by my CI system, that only has access to repos of -one- organization i belong to, and nothing else?
+ [2015-04-04T21:47:07Z] lrvick Can anyone think of an API call that could return me all issues for a given orgnization?