latest 7 messages by marians

+ [2017-03-14T21:10:03Z] marians Thanks anyway!
+ [2017-03-14T21:03:44Z] marians Seems like bad liquid code was the reason. An "assign" inside a for loop, probably.
+ [2017-03-14T20:57:13Z] marians Any ideas what's the problem here?
+ [2017-03-14T20:55:10Z] marians One of the last things I did before it stopped working was adding environment variables for the github_pages plugin (SSL_CERT_FILE, JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN)
+ [2017-03-14T20:53:31Z] marians Using the -V switch for the build, the output can be seen in
+ [2017-03-14T20:51:17Z] marians I'm wondering how I can track down the cause.
+ [2017-03-14T20:50:59Z] marians Howdy! I have a jekyll site, using jekyll 3.4.1, where building/serving suddenly doesn't work any more after I have worked on the post template. While building, my machine's CPU load is maxing out and at some point my disk gets filled. All I can do is kill -9 the jekyll process.