latest 20 messages by miczac

+ [2019-04-17T15:51:51Z] miczac Hi, I created a Open Source organisation, created a repo and forked that to my own account. So far all went ok, but I'm not sure how to create a tag on upstream via my fork. I'd like to stay clean and just issue PRs but tags seem to be different. How to approach this?
+ [2016-05-11T22:47:50Z] miczac Caelum: just restored a backup of the local clone and verified git rebase upstream/master ... works. Thanks!
+ [2016-05-11T22:34:41Z] miczac Caelum: ok, I only did a git rebase master .... now I did it manually: checkout master; created a new branch, cherry-picked from the other branch and now those changes are on top of those merges. PR is clean now.
+ [2016-05-11T22:20:35Z] miczac how can I get a clean PR?
+ [2016-05-11T22:19:49Z] miczac i.e. 3912575 (HEAD -> master, upstream/master, miczac/master, miczac/HEAD)
+ [2016-05-11T22:18:49Z] miczac my masters are aligned ... i.e at the same commit.
+ [2016-05-11T22:17:33Z] miczac Hi, I locally branched from local master and did a commit in this new branch. Then I pushed the branch to my remote fork of upstream. I compared my branch to upstream/master to issue a PR. Now this PR also shows three additional commits from fetching and merging upstream/master to my local master. Those I don't want in my PR
+ [2016-05-11T21:52:09Z] miczac one "trick" is to pack that into a patch format: git log -p |less -I that's a _lot_ of text, but searchable. Instead of less you could use grep, but you might loose the context
+ [2016-05-11T21:49:32Z] miczac bonhoeffer: search where?
+ [2016-05-11T01:15:27Z] miczac PR issued, so the people can deal with it, ;)
+ [2016-05-11T01:14:27Z] miczac rather go to bed now ;) Thx anyway!
+ [2016-05-11T01:12:48Z] miczac VxJasonxV: I read that reabse is basically an elaborate shell script doing cherry-picking
+ [2016-05-11T01:10:40Z] miczac VxJasonxV: didn't rebase - search results way too elaborate - cherry-picking did the trick
+ [2016-05-11T00:42:49Z] miczac afk
+ [2016-05-11T00:42:22Z] miczac ;)
+ [2016-05-11T00:42:07Z] miczac me?
+ [2016-05-11T00:40:59Z] miczac ok, searching - the line above doesn't work. Thanks a lot, at least I know what's wrong!
+ [2016-05-11T00:40:06Z] miczac good. ;)
+ [2016-05-11T00:39:34Z] miczac as if I created my branch from helpfle-fixes
+ [2016-05-11T00:39:17Z] miczac literally rebase my local branch from master to helpfile-fixes