latest 20 messages by nickjj

+ [2020-05-09T19:51:25Z] nickjj does anyone know if github packages' pricing is on a per account or per repo basis?
+ [2017-04-21T18:42:52Z] nickjj captn3m0, right but no matter what combo i use, it doesn't work as intended -- it never evals the comparison of the modulo result in the correct spot
+ [2017-04-21T18:38:14Z] nickjj normally i would just do , forloop.index % 3 , but that's not valid liquid
+ [2017-04-21T18:37:29Z] nickjj how can i replace this hard coded nastiness into something that happens "every 3 indexes"? {% if forloop.index == 3 or forloop.index == 6 or forloop.index == 9 %}
+ [2017-02-07T20:37:29Z] nickjj if i delete an account, does the url availability get immediately available?
+ [2016-11-11T15:42:18Z] nickjj you ended up cloning not only the style related stuff, but the content too
+ [2016-11-11T15:42:03Z] nickjj up until recently if you were looking for jekyll themes, you'd end up cloning someone's existing set up and modify it to your liking
+ [2016-11-11T15:41:29Z] nickjj official themes didn't always exist in jekyll
+ [2016-11-11T15:40:04Z] nickjj instead of uploading a zip file somewhere, you download a ruby gem -- that's just the transport method of getting the theme's files into your jekyll install
+ [2016-11-11T15:39:29Z] nickjj if theme writers stick to the contract that jekyll defines as to what consists of a theme, then your site's visual style will change to be that theme
+ [2016-11-11T15:38:50Z] nickjj Ownix, while i haven't used themes, they look pretty similar to WP themes to me in a conceptual sense
+ [2016-11-10T13:49:36Z] nickjj do you think it's worth opening a ticket for the behavior of: _foo and _bar gets watched by the watcher but they are supposed to get excluded by default since they begin with _
+ [2016-11-10T13:34:56Z] nickjj seems like when i wrap the parameter to foo with single quotes, it gets processed literally
+ [2016-11-10T13:34:33Z] nickjj i put in a {% foo wtf | raw %} and it worked but also output | raw , so i removed the | raw and it continued to work
+ [2016-11-10T13:34:11Z] nickjj i figured it out without using raw, but using raw allowed me to figure out the real problem
+ [2016-11-10T13:33:56Z] nickjj disconnected, now that's fun...
+ [2016-11-10T13:27:30Z] nickjj ok so i figured it out but i'm not sure how to solve it. it works if i use it in an html file but when it's in a markdown file it outputs the html literally, thoughts on getting markdown to process it correctly?
+ [2016-11-10T13:18:05Z] nickjj the return value of the plugin is "<p>#{phrase}</p>", i looked at other plugins and this is how they operated, not sure what i'm doing wrong
+ [2016-11-10T13:17:06Z] nickjj one of the plugins i wrote generates html, but when i use it such as {% foo 'hello' %} it literally outputs <p>hello</p> with the html entities escaped, how can i get it to not do that?
+ [2016-11-03T14:50:52Z] nickjj as in the file itself