latest 4 messages by novum

+ [2019-11-29T03:20:55Z] novum where are the instructions on how to encode a title, eg `# foo/bar qux`, as the fragment for a URL? So that `# foo/bar qux` becomes `foobar-qux` for instance?
+ [2019-06-10T19:32:37Z] novum actually, I think they want to put this on the server anyway so I guess giving some instructions that they can execute after sshing in would be best. ignore me @_@ .. but if you did want to do what I asked, could you? :o
+ [2019-06-10T19:31:48Z] novum s'there a way to download a directory from a tag on github. like if I wanted to give instructions for someone to download this dir could I easily do that? Or is the best way to just do git clone {url}; git checkout tags/1.15.1; mv GreenSock-JS/src/minified greensock-foo-bar ?
+ [2019-03-07T14:00:24Z] novum is this the beginning of the end? I can't see some comments when I am not logged in. Also, I just used the ddg bang !gh mucomplete to search for the very popular vim plugin, mucomplete, and was not able to navigate to the repository. wonderful. wonderful.