latest 20 messages by pi-

+ [2019-06-26T12:13:21Z] pi- But I don't want to disable notifications from going out to everyone else.
+ [2019-06-26T12:13:10Z] pi- I go into a particular repository -> settings -> notifications, and get "[checkbox] Active: We will send notification emails to the listed addresses when a push event is triggered."
+ [2019-06-26T12:11:51Z] pi- I'm getting Gmail notifications for every commit to every repository I am subscribed to. I can't figure out where to go to disable these notifications.
+ [2019-04-29T01:55:45Z] pi- Sorry, I can be really stupid sometimes.
+ [2019-04-29T01:55:37Z] pi- aah it does! I was missing the `--user` parameter, and consequently it was only returning public repositories. And there is only one.
+ [2019-04-29T01:51:44Z] pi- But I want to ignore archived ones.
+ [2019-04-29T01:51:36Z] pi- I'm trying to make a script that syncs my local machine with github for all repos.
+ [2019-04-29T01:50:14Z] pi- sorry, paste dumped the line with a \n
+ [2019-04-29T01:50:00Z] pi- ^ yes
+ [2019-04-29T01:49:44Z] pi- curl -s --user "p-i-" | jq -r '.[].html_url' > repo-urls.txt`
+ [2019-04-29T01:48:22Z] pi- I want to get all irrespective of owner.
+ [2019-04-29T01:48:11Z] pi- I don't understand the presence of `:owner` in that syntax -- I would imagine different repositories have different owners.
+ [2019-04-29T01:47:21Z] pi- `GET /repos/:owner/:repo` <-- I can't see how to translate this syntax into a curl command
+ [2019-04-29T01:46:57Z] pi- yes, if I could get a list of all repositories, that would do the trick.
+ [2019-04-29T01:43:24Z] pi- I'm struggling to find what I'm looking for -- <-- maybe it's this one?
+ [2019-04-29T01:39:02Z] pi- I would imagine I should be supplying something like `?repo_name=foo`, but I can't find this documented.
+ [2019-04-29T01:38:30Z] pi- Can anyone help me to use the github API to get the "archived" status for a particular repository? I seem to be nearly there: `curl -s` returns a JSON blob (containing the "archived" key) for one particular repository in my account. I guess the first one... But I can't see how to supply the repo name.
+ [2016-10-14T15:50:41Z] pi- But it doesn't! It appears completely empty.
+ [2016-10-14T15:50:33Z] pi- & gh Desktop would be smart enough to notice
+ [2016-10-14T15:49:50Z] pi- Now I thought I should be able to just drag drop my project files into it