latest 20 messages by sangy

+ [2020-05-18T17:54:32Z] sangy (I think it takes 2 weeks at most?)
+ [2020-05-18T17:54:11Z] sangy yeah I'll check that out now. I thought they were enrolled from a convo de had, but now that I understand a little more I think they are waiting for their enrollment to go through
+ [2020-05-18T17:52:12Z] sangy aha, ok. Thanks!
+ [2020-05-18T17:51:38Z] sangy but I don't see the button, does that mean this person is not enrolled? or that I need to set things up on my side first?
+ [2020-05-18T17:51:20Z] sangy so I am looking at this
+ [2020-05-18T17:47:51Z] sangy lol I swear I'm not trying to make it difficult
+ [2020-05-18T17:47:40Z] sangy but like, how do I enroll my information? is it the same process as somebody who wants to get money?
+ [2020-05-18T17:47:23Z] sangy no, I want to make a monthly contribution
+ [2020-05-18T17:36:59Z] sangy but do I need to subscribe to be somebody who get monies to give moneys?
+ [2020-05-18T17:35:09Z] sangy I want to give somebody money through the github thing
+ [2020-05-18T17:34:58Z] sangy R2robot: yeah that
+ [2020-05-18T17:11:15Z] sangy (yeah sponsorizable is a word I just came up with)
+ [2020-05-18T17:11:03Z] sangy anybody familiar with github sponsors? do I have to be sponsorizable to be able to sponsor?
+ [2016-11-01T19:42:01Z] sangy zpotoloom: yeah, that's the only conclusion that I can get from this
+ [2016-11-01T19:37:17Z] sangy zpotoloom: same ip's using the VPS?
+ [2016-11-01T19:13:14Z] sangy zpotoloom: I'm resolving to the same, so this must be something close to me. I would just try to resolve to another ip
+ [2016-11-01T18:54:16Z] sangy zpotoloom: could be a cdn issue? have you tried another ip?
+ [2016-11-01T16:19:10Z] sangy Hello. For some reason I don't see that GH computes the diff properly when the base branch is updated. Does anyone know how to force github to refresH?
+ [2016-08-01T20:42:20Z] sangy thanks
+ [2016-08-01T20:40:11Z] sangy jhass: but the merge is done locally right?