latest 20 messages by sim642

+ [2016-07-11T20:50:25Z] sim642 Josay, there's a "contact github" button at the bottom
+ [2016-07-11T19:26:00Z] sim642 If they have analytics gathering all kinds of very detailed timing data it'd be possible to tell how much slowness it has introduced
+ [2016-07-11T19:21:18Z] sim642 Out of everything the issue list looks the most hideous
+ [2016-07-11T19:18:59Z] sim642 I guess not
+ [2016-07-11T19:18:58Z] sim642 Oh god, I was about to ask if I was the only one having the font change
+ [2016-05-29T14:59:58Z] sim642 Nevermind, I don't think users even have webhooks
+ [2016-05-29T14:58:46Z] sim642 dmko, You set it up for your github user not a specific repository?
+ [2016-04-22T07:37:57Z] sim642 or that API page is paginated
+ [2016-04-22T07:37:31Z] sim642 it counts forks of forks too maybe, not sure how it works exactly
+ [2016-03-15T08:00:11Z] sim642 I have a question of my own: can one commit close more then one issue with the message
+ [2016-03-15T07:59:15Z] sim642 grandrew: if it's generated, don't you have the source right in the gh-pages branch?
+ [2016-03-15T07:58:20Z] sim642 By opening pull requests
+ [2016-03-06T11:33:04Z] sim642 right, I guess it could allow abuse too easily
+ [2016-03-06T11:31:53Z] sim642 or I have to manually modify each page on the website separately
+ [2016-03-06T11:31:32Z] sim642 Can non-collaborators push to the wiki pages' git repo?
+ [2016-03-05T13:54:49Z] sim642 I'd suffix the respective branch with like -bugfix or -hotfix or whatnot
+ [2016-03-05T13:54:14Z] sim642 naming them the same is not a great idea, just leads to confusion
+ [2016-02-27T19:55:33Z] sim642 reverts are preferred because they don't delete history but rather reverse changes in new commits
+ [2016-02-27T19:55:01Z] sim642 they're two different things in git
+ [2016-02-27T19:54:57Z] sim642 but if you reverted you wouldn't need it, you did a reset, not a revert