latest 13 messages by ska

+ [2020-06-24T15:11:45Z] ska GitHub: give your users a choice, instead of pushing your horrible new design on us.
+ [2020-06-23T22:50:14Z] ska nedbat: Thanks. I would have taken me a week to find that. jUst wasnt expecting it to disappear. ;)
+ [2020-06-23T21:44:52Z] ska s/repo/branch
+ [2020-06-23T21:44:34Z] ska Is there a way to revert to the old github style page? I can't even find a way to remove a repo.
+ [2017-04-24T15:03:53Z] ska Killing and restarting seems to fix it, but sometimes takes 3 or 4 times.
+ [2017-04-24T15:00:42Z] ska I'm having intermittent stalls on pushing up to github.. Anyone else?
+ [2017-01-31T15:46:10Z] ska This assumes nobody else is making changes to hotfix/1.0 ...
+ [2017-01-31T15:45:31Z] ska If I have a fix branch based on hotfix/1.0, and I want to squash via rebase, can I just rebase to the commit just before the N changes I made? Or should I do "git rebase -i /hotfix/1.0" ? equivalent?
+ [2017-01-26T22:17:41Z] ska I suppose it can get messy trying to seaprate the two..
+ [2017-01-26T22:15:38Z] ska Can more than one person initiate a review on a PR?
+ [2014-11-10T16:59:40Z] ska Im not sure.. Perhaps only the team administrator can add another team to a repo?
+ [2014-11-10T16:54:45Z] ska I can't find any option in Collaborations that allows input.
+ [2014-11-10T16:54:10Z] ska I created a public repo and joined 2 teams to it, but I'm unable to add anyone else, team or individual..