latest 20 messages by strk

+ [2020-05-26T08:27:46Z] strk is there a way to express a "string starts with" conditional ?
+ [2020-05-12T09:45:24Z] strk because some jobs need a matrix, some other do not, but I could re-use the checkout from one job, in the other, if possible
+ [2020-05-12T09:44:34Z] strk no way to share a checkout among jobs, but, do checkouts inside the same workflow avoid to download things again ?
+ [2020-05-06T14:05:05Z] strk ((if cached: where?))
+ [2020-05-06T14:04:59Z] strk (cached?)
+ [2020-05-06T14:04:55Z] strk so I changed the default ARG value in Dockerfile but it looks like the workflow action still "sees" the old version with the old default
+ [2020-05-06T14:04:30Z] strk my goal would be to pass parameters to the action, I've tried to use ARG (Dockerfile ARG) but it did not seem to work
+ [2020-05-06T14:04:04Z] strk I'm writing my first github-action (action.yml) and having issue with what looks like a cache (ie: my action user does not see changes in the upstream Dockerfile)
+ [2020-05-06T10:54:25Z] strk (how)
+ [2020-05-06T10:54:23Z] strk can github-action Dockerfile receive an ARG from callers ?
+ [2020-04-29T17:04:18Z] strk thanks, I just realized repository needs to be public for things to work
+ [2020-04-29T14:54:57Z] strk can I reference an action by branch instead of tag ? Say to use strk/action in branch "test" ...
+ [2020-02-06T16:46:28Z] strk runs-on: ${{ some_variable_here }}
+ [2020-02-06T16:46:18Z] strk in particular, variable I can use in a `runs-on`
+ [2020-02-06T16:45:25Z] strk (how) can I define variables available to all jobs in a github-action's workflow ?
+ [2015-11-17T07:47:55Z] strk is there any way to link to the latest travis build for a specific branch ? Adding ?branch=<rev> does not work
+ [2015-11-16T14:29:58Z] strk nedbat: meaning "no way" ?
+ [2015-11-16T12:39:35Z] strk that is, source on multiple lines, output in a single line (for easier reading the sources)
+ [2015-11-16T12:34:43Z] strk is there a way to write table rows on multiple lines with markdown ?
+ [2015-11-13T08:06:20Z] strk where then ? and would it be ever possible to remove them ? how ?