latest 8 messages by sveinse

+ [2016-07-08T15:52:40Z] sveinse patarr: git remote rm origin
+ [2016-07-08T13:12:39Z] sveinse My old repo contains tags which points to old versions, but have been commited at later point in time. Github seems to sort them from the commit-date. What property in the commits do I need to alter to move them to their correct spot in time?
+ [2016-07-08T12:40:40Z] sveinse canton7: All right, thanks
+ [2016-07-08T12:29:34Z] sveinse I'm conflicted about it...
+ [2016-07-08T12:29:18Z] sveinse Is unwise to use your own email address in commits and texts on github? Over the default noreply email from github?
+ [2016-07-01T15:06:24Z] sveinse StatelessCat: yes I know. It was a (poor?) attempt on a joke
+ [2016-07-01T14:59:37Z] sveinse StatelessCat: git push --luke ?
+ [2016-07-01T13:51:48Z] sveinse I have created a new github repo and I've discovered that I've used the wrong email. I've now corrected this locally with filter-branch. How do I forcely push this to github?