latest 20 messages by sysadmin75

+ [2014-08-26T17:24:36Z] sysadmin75 I take that back. I was able to get the personal token to work by passing it to curl with -H "Authorization: token TOKEN"
+ [2014-08-26T17:02:33Z] sysadmin75 Nevik, Seveas, XvJasonvX - I was able to get the raw contents using the raw link only by providing curl the -u option. I guess this will suffice. It really looks like the personal API tokens aren't working like they should be.
+ [2014-08-26T16:19:07Z] sysadmin75 VxJasonxV worked with me some yesterday but he was having problems with it too. All I need to do is wget/curl the raw contents of a file in a private repo, which is a repo I do have full access to.
+ [2014-08-26T16:17:04Z] sysadmin75 Nevik: Is that the only way I can get the raw file? If so that's fine. But I was under the assumption that I could just get the raw file only using curl/wget.
+ [2014-08-26T16:14:54Z] sysadmin75 Nevik: That's the only way I've been able to obtain the file using api and wget/curl on a private repo.
+ [2014-08-26T16:09:23Z] sysadmin75 So is obtaining a raw file contents given by json results?
+ [2014-08-26T15:04:51Z] sysadmin75 Can someone please test against a private repo and see if there are any problems? I'm not convinced the API works for private repos.
+ [2014-08-26T15:03:20Z] sysadmin75 I was able to access the file Seveas provided above.
+ [2014-08-26T15:01:45Z] sysadmin75 Nevik: This is a private repo. I am able to view the raw contents of the file using my browser and my auth key has repo selected with access. So it must be my path.
+ [2014-08-26T14:43:59Z] sysadmin75 Seveas:
+ [2014-08-26T14:31:56Z] sysadmin75 I'll give it a try
+ [2014-08-26T14:31:22Z] sysadmin75 I mean the the url cannot have the sha1 because I need the latest version every time.
+ [2014-08-26T14:29:59Z] sysadmin75 Nevik: I want to obtain the raw contents of a file from github via a script. But I'm not having any luck. I need it to be revision agnostic.
+ [2014-08-26T14:25:37Z] sysadmin75 VxJasonxV: Were you able to figure out the file access link? I'm still trying to figure it out.
+ [2014-08-25T23:09:55Z] sysadmin75 VxJasonxV: thanks for your help. It was quitting time an hour ago. I'm done for today. I'll tackle it more tomorrow and maybe open an issue about it.
+ [2014-08-25T23:04:37Z] sysadmin75 well, this method isn't the best way. It's not the raw file. Its json I believe and will have to be parsed.
+ [2014-08-25T23:03:42Z] sysadmin75 I addeded /contents/ after the repo name.
+ [2014-08-25T23:03:24Z] sysadmin75 I got it. It's in base64 encoding but I got it
+ [2014-08-25T22:58:05Z] sysadmin75 but I can't get to a specific file. Maybe my token doesn't have the correct perms. I'll try to enable all.
+ [2014-08-25T22:57:23Z] sysadmin75 it gives me a list of info