latest 15 messages by techno156

+ [2014-07-31T01:04:26Z] techno156 the folder contains a file... but I was just wondering how to push the directory and everything in it
+ [2014-07-31T00:57:52Z] techno156 Just wondering, how would I push a folder that isn't present to the repository?
+ [2014-07-14T07:52:30Z] techno156 Most github things are, though, by extension
+ [2014-07-14T07:52:20Z] techno156 Only as long as its within the ToS
+ [2014-07-14T03:10:07Z] techno156 keybord broke. :p
+ [2014-07-14T03:09:37Z] techno156 doe it hve github? :p
+ [2014-07-14T03:09:27Z] techno156 did not kno github hd chnnel