latest 10 messages by tieTYT2

+ [2014-09-13T00:47:03Z] tieTYT2 how can you be/not be reachable?
+ [2014-09-13T00:46:51Z] tieTYT2 yeah what does that even mean?
+ [2014-09-13T00:46:46Z] tieTYT2 git fetch fetches all branch heads (or all specified by the remote.fetch config option), all commits necessary for them, and ____all tags which are reachable from these branches____. In most cases, all tags are reachable in this way.
+ [2014-09-13T00:46:26Z] tieTYT2 seems like it's a nuanced detail
+ [2014-09-13T00:46:20Z] tieTYT2 did you check out that SO post?
+ [2014-09-13T00:44:21Z] tieTYT2
+ [2014-09-13T00:43:59Z] tieTYT2 * [new tag] ->
+ [2014-09-13T00:43:44Z] tieTYT2 therrrrrrrrre we go
+ [2014-09-13T00:43:31Z] tieTYT2 I'm going to do this: git fetch upstream --tags
+ [2014-09-13T00:43:05Z] tieTYT2 hah seriously