latest 11 messages by verus

+ [2016-10-26T17:13:27Z] verus i gave up on minimal-mistakes theme and using gem
+ [2016-10-26T16:46:59Z] verus is there a firewall
+ [2016-10-26T16:46:56Z] verus can you ping the machine
+ [2016-10-26T16:43:36Z] verus jekyll (= 1.1.2)
+ [2016-10-26T16:43:36Z] verus github-pages was resolved to 1, which depends on
+ [2016-10-26T16:43:14Z] verus i guess github-pages isn't compatible with jkeyll 3.0
+ [2016-10-26T16:42:30Z] verus i'm now trying to add github-pages to the gemfile and maybe that will pull all teh requirements
+ [2016-10-26T16:42:13Z] verus yea, it's for minimal-mistakes theme
+ [2016-10-26T16:37:48Z] verus it's definitely installed, shows up in list etc
+ [2016-10-26T16:37:43Z] verus have any of you guys run into this: Yikes! It looks like you don't have jekyll-paginate ?
+ [2016-10-26T14:53:24Z] verus hi all, i am new to jekyll, i am trying to make excerpts work with minima theme, do I need to overload the home.html page for it to work?