+ [2016-10-25T19:50:05Z] vegardx In liquid, if I include a file the first line gets added on at the correct place, but rest is indented from row 0, what's the deal, yo?
+ [2016-10-25T19:51:26Z] vegardx In all other templating engines you have to explicitly remove that.
+ [2016-10-25T19:54:14Z] vegardx It would be so helpful if Jekyll just had a document which stated everything Liquid can't do that you sort of expect a templating system to do, so you didn't have to go through a bunch of github issues.
+ [2016-10-25T20:02:04Z] allejo Liquid doesn't handle spacing too well. I hear Liquid 4 will have some improvements to trim whitespace
+ [2016-10-25T20:02:32Z] allejo if you're generating HTML, the indentation shouldn't really matter too much, depends on the use case though

message no. 154685

Posted by vegardx in #jekyll at 2016-10-25T19:50:05Z

In liquid, if I include a file the first line gets added on at the correct place, but rest is indented from row 0, what's the deal, yo?
+ [2016-10-26T14:53:24Z] verus hi all, i am new to jekyll, i am trying to make excerpts work with minima theme, do I need to overload the home.html page for it to work?
+ [2016-10-26T15:08:45Z] vegardx allejo: Yeah, liquid 4 implements white space stripping. And ugly code is just that, ugly. Doesn't look very professional with a company that makes webpages to have things that look like someone barfed on your screen.
+ [2016-10-26T15:20:33Z] nickjj vegardx, you can hack around that with using -
+ [2016-10-26T15:21:01Z] vegardx Not indenting
+ [2016-10-26T15:22:52Z] nickjj you could avoid the barf by just stripping all whitespace too